4 Things You Don't Want to Hear About Vpns
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4 Things You Don't Want to Hear About Vpns |
Why You Should be Using a VPN???
Using a VPN, there are four important points that everyone Should consider before giving up on VPN Services.- The VPN Protects YOU'r Traffic, DATA, and Privacy
- The VPN Lets YOu Unblock Any Content you want
- With The VPN, You can Bypass Bandwidth Throttling
- VPNs Offer a Better Gaming Experience
4 Things You Want Here About VPN'S
No.1 A VPN Protects Your Traffic, DATA, and Privacy
Online following you across Websites? it might be for a product that you Search for or already bought. Doesn't it feel creepy to be served ads for the thing you have searched in the past? well. it happens because tracking Pixels on websites track your searches and then tailor the ads for you.
the situation described is just a fraction of problems that you as an internet user have to deal with while going online. Just to give you a taste of what I am talking about, consider the fact that you an internet service provider or ISP Is Probably Selling your internet usage data to make money off you while you are already paying them for the service. in short, if you are going online without a VPN you're exposing yourself to the Following Risks.
- Giving Hackers a free pass to eavesdrop on your Online Communication when you use public WiFi
- Making it easy for cyber-criminals, government surveillance agencies, and ISPs to see what you type on unencrypted Websites, what web Page you Search for, and what files you Download
- Letting your ISP sell your browsing data to advertisers.
- ending up in legal trouble for torrenting files. and leaking your IP address to every member of the Swarm
When Using VPN these horrible scenarios. VPN encrypts your Connection Using Encryption technologies, such as IP Security (IPSec), Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Transport Layer Security (TLS) and more when you use a VPN anyone Snooping in on you Connection, whether it's your ISP Online tracking pixels, or hackers see gibberish data.
2, The VPN You Unblock Any Content You Want.
Few things are as annoying in life as hearing about a coll new TV Series only to later find out you Can't watch it because it's only available on streaming platforms that don't work in your country. Sky Go Hulu, HBO Go BBC iPlayer- there are tons of websites that won't let you enjoy their content simply because you're from "The Wrong" Part of the World.
Have their reasons for doing that (Copyright regulation and licensing fees) but that hardly makes it fair. Worst of all, you're gonna deal with geo-restrictions even if you live in a country where you have access to all the content you want. After all, it's no longer going to be available the moment you go abroad on vacation, or Temporarily move outside the country for work.
Many Oppressive regimes force national ISPs to block various websites nation wide. take china for example due to its strict internet, policies, its residents and visitors cannot access popular websites like facebook YOUTUBE, Twitter, Netflix and more. You Know the kinds of restrictions you'll deal with at work or School if the Network admin has to block websites like facebook of Instagram to comply with the Workplace or School Policies.
3 With a VPN, YOU Can Bypass Bandwidth Throttling
Did you ever notice a sudden decrease in online speeds whenever you were downloading something, watching and online video? or Skyping with your Friends? that's basically bandwidth throttling in action. it's when your ISP Reduces some of your Internet Speed Because You're using Up "Too Much Data" ISP are pretty clever and they hide the bandwidth throttling in fine prints so most users is not even aware of it.
The ISPs might claim they're doing that to prevent network congestion, which is understandable. However, usually, ISPs use bandwidth throttling to pressure users into buying pricier Subscriptions and data Plans. they also get to save money that way by making sure they Don't Need to buy more expensive equipment to process user data faster.
Using a VPN Can alleviate this problem. A VPN Encrypts your internet traffic, making sure your ISPs can't see your internet activity, without that info.
4 VPN Offer a Better Gaming Experience
Playing The Online Game with your friends is extremely fun at least until you have to deal with and annoying IP Ban or Geo-blocks preventing you from playing int he same region as your Friends. that's where a VPN Comes into Play.
It's Hides your IP Address and encrypts your Traffic, making sure you can evade IP bans from sore loser admins, Prevent bandwidth throttling from ruining you fun, and join matches in any region you want no matter where you are in the world, if you play online multiplayer games. a VPN can help reduce ping time and lag if it has a solid server in that country. this is a huge gain if you compete in Online Gaming Competitions as every millisecond matters at pro-Level gaming tournaments.
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